templates/website/institutional/contact.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% from 'utils.html.twig' import ico %}
  2. {% extends 'website/main.template.html.twig' %}
  3. {% block body %}
  4.     {% include 'website/includes/search-section.html.twig' %}
  5.     {% embed 'website/includes/page-title.html.twig' with { pageTitle: getLanguage('contact_us', 'contact_us') }%}
  6.         {% block migalhas %}
  7.             <a href="{{ path('home') }}">{{ getLanguage('home', 'contact_us') }}</a>&ensp;/&ensp;<span>{{ getLanguage('contact_us', 'contact_us') }}</span>
  8.         {% endblock %}
  9.     {% endembed %}
  10.     <div class="contact">
  11.         <div class="container">
  12.             <div class="box">
  13.                 <div class="contact-info">
  14.                     <h3>{{ getLanguage('need_help', 'contact_us') }}<br>{{ getLanguage('contact_us_excl', 'contact_us') }}</h3>
  15.                     <p class="desc">{{ getLanguage('keeping_in_touch', 'contact_us') }}</p>
  17.                     {% if getConfig('address') or (getConfig('address_neighborhood') and getConfig('address_city') and getConfig('address_state')) or 
  18.                     getConfig('address_zip_code') %}
  19.                         <dl class="contact-address">
  20.                             <dt>{{ getLanguage('where_are_we', 'contact_us') }}</dt>
  21.                             <dd>
  22.                                 {% if getConfig('address') %}
  23.                                     <p>{{ getConfig('address') }}{% if getConfig('address_number') %}, {{ getConfig('address_number') }}{% endif %}</p>
  24.                                 {% endif %}
  25.                                 {% if getConfig('address_neighborhood') and getConfig('address_city') and getConfig('address_state') %}
  26.                                     <p>{{ getConfig('address_neighborhood') }}, {{ getConfig('address_city') }} - {{ getConfig('address_state') }}</p>
  27.                                 {% endif %}
  28.                                 {% if getConfig('address_zip_code') %}
  29.                                     <p>{{ getConfig('address_zip_code') }}</p>
  30.                                 {% endif %}
  31.                             </dd>
  32.                         </dl>
  33.                     {% endif %}
  34.                     {% if client.document %}
  35.                         <dl class="contact-document">
  36.                             <dt>CNPJ</dt>
  37.                             <dd>
  38.                                 <p>{{ client.document }}</p>
  39.                             </dd>
  40.                         </dl>
  41.                     {% endif %}
  42.                     {% if client.email or getConfig('phone') %}
  43.                         <dl class="contact-email-phone">
  44.                             <dt>{{ getLanguage('support', 'contact_us') }}</dt>
  45.                             <dd>
  46.                                 {% if client.email %}
  47.                                     <p>{{ client.email }}</p>
  48.                                 {% endif %}
  49.                                 {% if getConfig('phone') %}
  50.                                     <p>{{ getConfig('phone') }}</p>
  51.                                 {% endif %}
  52.                             </dd>
  53.                         </dl>
  54.                     {% endif %}
  55.                     {% if getConfig('attendance_schedule') %}
  56.                         <dl class="contact-schedule">
  57.                             <dt>{{ getLanguage('operation', 'contact_us') }}</dt>
  58.                             <dd>
  59.                                 <p>{{ getConfig('attendance_schedule') }}</p>
  60.                             </dd>
  61.                         </dl>
  62.                     {% endif %}
  63.                 </div>
  64.                 <div class="contact-form">
  65.                     <form id="formContact" action="{{ path('contactPost') }}" class="form-geral">
  66.                         <div class="cp">
  67.                             <label for="name">{{ getLanguage('name', 'contact_us') }}</label>
  68.                             <input type="text" name="name" required="required" {% if user %} value="{{ user.name }}" {% endif %} placeholder="{{ getLanguage('type_your_name', 'contact_us') }}">
  69.                         </div>
  70.                         <div class="cp">
  71.                             <label for="email">E-mail</label>
  72.                             <input type="email" name="email" required="required" {% if user %} value="{{ user.email }}" {% endif %} placeholder="{{ getLanguage('type_your_email', 'contact_us') }}">
  73.                         </div>
  74.                         <div class="cp">
  75.                             <label for="subject">{{ getLanguage('subject', 'contact_us') }}</label>
  76.                             <input type="text" name="subject" required="required" placeholder="{{ getLanguage('want_to_ask_about', 'contact_us') }}">
  77.                         </div>
  78.                         <div class="cp">
  79.                             <label for="message">{{ getLanguage('message', 'contact_us') }}</label>
  80.                             <textarea name="message" required="required" placeholder="{{ getLanguage('want_to_ask', 'contact_us') }}"></textarea>
  81.                         </div>
  83.                         {% include 'website/includes/captcha-form.html.twig' with { formName: 'formContact' } %}
  84.                         <div class="actions">
  85.                             <button type="button" id="btnFormContact" class="btn-continuar-peq btn-load">
  86.                                 <span>{{ getLanguage('send_message', 'contact_us') }}</span>
  87.                                 <span>{{ getLanguage('wait', 'util') }}&hellip;&ensp;<i class="loader">{{ ico('loader-wish') }}</i></span>
  88.                             </button>
  89.                         </div>
  90.                     </form>
  91.                 </div>
  92.             </div>
  93.         </div>
  94.     </div>
  95. {% endblock %}